MediaWiki API result

This is the HTML representation of the JSON format. HTML is good for debugging, but is unsuitable for application use.

Specify the format parameter to change the output format. To see the non-HTML representation of the JSON format, set format=json.

See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.

    "query": {
        "allmessages": [
                "name": "ipb-blockingself",
                "*": "You are about to block yourself! Are you sure you want to do that?"
                "name": "ipb-blocklist",
                "*": "Blokeaketak ikusi"
                "name": "ipb-blocklist-contribs",
                "*": "$1(r)en ekarpenak"
                "name": "ipb-change-block",
                "*": "Berriz blokeatu erabiltzailea, parametro hauekin"
                "name": "ipb-confirm",
                "*": "Blokeoa baieztatu"
                "name": "ipb-confirmaction",
                "*": "Ziur bazaude egin nahi duzula, marka ezazu behean dagoen \"{{int:ipb-confirm}}\" eremua, mesedez."
                "name": "ipb-confirmhideuser",
                "*": "You are about to block a user with \"hide user\" enabled. This will suppress the user's name in all lists and log entries. Are you sure you want to do that?"
                "name": "ipb-default-expiry",
                "*": ""
                "name": "ipb-disableusertalk",
                "*": "Galarazi erabiltzaile honi bere eztabaida orria editatzea, blokeatuta dagoen aldian"
                "name": "ipb-edit-dropdown",
                "*": "Blokeatzeko arrazoiak aldatu"
                "name": "ipb-hardblock",
                "*": "Galarazi izena emandako erabiltzaileek IP helbide honetatik editatzea"
                "name": "ipb-needreblock",
                "*": "$1 dagoeneko blokeaturik dago. Ezarpenak aldatu nahi al dituzu?"
                "name": "ipb-otherblocks-header",
                "*": "Bestelako {{PLURAL:$1|blokeoa|blokeoak}}"
                "name": "ipb-unblock",
                "*": "Erabiltzaile izen edo IP helbide bati blokeoa kendu"
                "name": "ipb-unblock-addr",
                "*": "$1 lankide edo IP helbideari blokeoa baliogabetu"